Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Aplikasi Profil Kota Surabaya Sebagai Sarana Promosi Pariwisata Dengan Menggunakan Java ME
Visit Indonesia Year 2008 is a government program to promote tourism in Indonesia. Promotions in every region is needed to achieve the succession of the program, included Surabaya as the East Java Main City that will act as the promotion model of many cities around Surabaya.In this research, application of Surabaya tourism promotion has been developed which can facilitate tourists to know further about Surabaya tourism by using handphone and connected via GPRS. Application of Surabaya tourism promotion was developed by using Java language. The java platform being used is Java Micro Edition (Java ME) on the cellular phone application and PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) for the server application.   This application has been tested on Nokia N70, Nokia N73, Nokia 6600, and Sony Ericsson K800i using ProXL, Simpati, and Mentari communcation provider. Although the communication speed are varied among providers, the application is running as intended.
Keywords: Java ME, PHP, Surabaya Tourism PromotionTeks Lengkap:
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