Analisis Data Arah Dan Kecepatan Angin Landas Pacu (Runway) Menggunakan Aplikasi Windrose Plot (Wrplot)
Wind speed and direction are required in planning and development of runway around airport. As one of the fundamental considerations, wind data must be processed and analyzed to be usefull information especially in wind rose diagram form. But, to do a lot o wind data need a software to do a fast calculation and presenting anlysis results well. Lakes Environmental is a corporation produce software such as WRPLOT (Wind Rose Plot) to do fast calculation, presenting wind rose diagram and distribution frequency graph. Furthermore, it can export the wind rose diagram which is result of WRPLOT calculation in google map. So, user can see the information of wind speed and direction of runway like in real condition.
Keywords: wind analysis, wind rose, WRPLOTTeks Lengkap:
Crutcher, H.L., 1956,On The Standard Vector-Deviation Wind Rose, Jurnal Of Meteorology, Vol. 14. Hal 28-33, United States.
Horonjeff, R, 1994,Planning and Design of Airport, McGraw Hill, United States, 252-254.
ICAO, 2009, Annex 14: Aerodromes. Vol 1. Aerodrome Design and Operations, Montreal, Kanada.
ICAO, 2010, Annex 3: Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation, Montreal, Kanada.
Lakes Environmetntal, 2011, WRPLOT View. Wind Rose Plots for Meteorological Data, Ontario, Kanada.
Soepangkat, 1994, Pengantar Meteorologi, Akademi Meteorologi dan Geofisika, Jakarta.
Tjasyono, B, 1999, Klimatologi Umum, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung. Diakses tanggal 28 April 2013. Diakses tanggal 05 Mei 2013.
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