Sistem Manajemen Pengetahuan Sebagai Media Eksternalisasi dan Internalisasi Pengetahuan Petani Cabai dengan Pendekatan Knowledge-Centric
Chili farming is essential for food security and the economy but faces complex challenges and technological changes. This study examines the application of the Knowledge Management System (KMS) as a medium for externalizing and internalizing the knowledge of chili farmers. With a "Knowledge-Centric" approach, this study focuses on adapting and applying KMS in chili farming. Mixed methods were used with surveys, interviews, and document analysis as the basis for designing the knowledge management system. The results show that KMS is very important in facilitating access to knowledge for farmers, exchange of knowledge, and improving the quality of agricultural decisions. Challenges involving integrating information technology in traditional agricultural practices can be overcome with the active participation of farmers and appropriate technical support. This research provides practical guidance for developing knowledge management systems suitable for chili farmers, increasing agricultural productivity, and facilitating knowledge exchange.
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