Resman Muharul Tambunan


This study was conducted to find out how many people homecoming who already know the public service advertisement (PSA) from the Ministry of Transportation about "ketertiban saat mudik" and "keselamatan berkendara saat mudik." Knowing what influences the community (travelers) to know or do not know about advertising services the public from the Ministry of Transportation about "Ketertiban saat mudik" and "keselamatan dalam berkendara saat mudik." In addition this research will also answer some hypothesis as follows: The quality of advertising affects the effectiveness of advertising, the attractiveness of advertising affect the effectiveness of advertising, The two regression equations generated are as follows Y = 1.117 + 0.368X1 + 0.327X2 + 0,048X3 - Hypothesis for PSA Keselamatan version. The quality of PSA Version of Keselamatan Safety affects the effectiveness of PSA Mudik Safety version shows the value of t equal to 6,282 and sign 0,00 (> 0.05); The attraction of PSA Version of Keselamatan affects the effectiveness of PSA Keselamatan version shows the value of t equal to 6,294 and sign 0,00 (<0.05); Media Impact PSA affects the effectiveness of PSA Keselamatan version shows the value of t of 1.891 and sign 0.059 (> 0.05). With these figures show that PSA Media Impact does not significantly affect the effectiveness of PSA Keselamatan Version. But that figure can still be expressed significantly influence with 90% confidence level. Y = 1.555 + 0.195X1 + 0.413X2 + 0.057X3 - Hypothesis for PSA version of Order PSA Ketertiban Version of Order affects the effectiveness of ILM Mudik version of Order shows the value of t equal to 4,206 and sign 0,00 (> 0.05). ; The attraction of PSA KetertibanVersion of Safety affects the effectiveness of ILM Mudik Safety Version; From result of analysis show t value equal to 11.358 and sign 0,00 (<0.05). ; Media Impact PSA affects the effectiveness of PSA “Ketertibanâ€Version of Order From the analysis result shows t value equal to 2,770 and sign 0,006 (<0.05).Y: The effectiveness of PSA “Ketertiban†or “ Keselamatan Version; X1: Quality of PSA “Ketertiban†or “ Keselamatan Version; X2: Attractions of PSA “Ketertiban†or “ Keselamatan Version; X3: Media Impact of PSA “Ketertiban†or “ Keselamatan Version. Keywords : public services advertisement, advertisement attract, advertisement quality, media exposure

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