Dani Vardiansyah


Many cases of violent behavior are carried out by children as a result of media content. What is meant by the media in this paper are all communication media, ranging from the classic ones such as television to the latest, the internet with its gadgets. Whereas what is meant by children is all those who are less than 18 years of age. This paper is a literature study that tries to see, discuss, and actualize the Cultivation Theory and Role Theory which are relatively classic in the present context. Based on data analysis in the form of media news, previous research, and related textbooks, it can be seen that (1) there is a significant influence of violent content on viewers' behavior, especially children, and therefore (2) the role of parents is needed in overseeing the use of media containing violent content. in order to reduce or control the negative effects of the media, where (3) what is meant by negative media effects are related to the content of media content and the duration and frequency of media use. Even this article has five conclusions, the main one being that even though there is a new or missing 'role', the role of parenting of parents towards children is eternal. In addition, with the growth of the latest technology such as gadgets, it is necessary to redefine the duration and frequency of media use. Keyword : the effect of media communication, parenting, violent behavior on children

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