Kenny Halim, Iphov Kumala Sriwana



Early 2016, PT. Panarub Dwikarya started to develop its business by working with a brand from the United States, Under Armor. Physical material examination data in 2016 shows that synthetic and leather materials are materials that have a higher amount of physical inspection capacity and apparatus inventory costs compared to other types of materials. From this increase, it is important to conduct research to calculate forecasting for synthetic and leather material inspection, calculation of laboratory apparatus inventory needs and costs, and calculation of physical material synthetic and leather inspection capacity requirements in 2017. This research aims to minimize costs and is carried out using forecasting calculations. using two methods, namely the Cyclic method and the Single Exponential Smoothing where from the use of these two methods it is found that the Cyclic method is better than the Single Exponential Smoothing. For the calculation of the laboratory apparatus inventory costs using 4 methods, namely the Least Unit Cost method, Least Total Cost, Economic Order Quantity, and methods that are already running in the company where from the use of these 4 methods it is found that the Least Unit Cost and Least Total Cost methods are better than the two. other methods. The results of the measurement and analysis of the data will be used to improve the capacity for color migration and migration fastness checks so that they can be fulfilled in the form of suggestions and improvements


Keywords: forecasting, material requirement planning (MRP), capacity requirement planning (CRP)



Awal tahun 2016, PT. Panarub Dwikarya mulai mengembangkan bisnis dengan bekerja sama dengan brand asal Amerika Serikat yaitu Under Armour. Data pemeriksaan physical material tahun 2016 menunjukkan bahwa material synthetic dan leather merupakan material yang memiliki jumlah kapasitas pemeriksaan physical dan biaya persediaan apparatus lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan jenis material lainya. Dari peningkatan tersebut, penting dilakukan penelitian untuk menghitung peramalan pemeriksaan material synthetic dan leather, perhitungan kebutuhan dan biaya persediaan apparatus lab, dan perhitungan kebutuhan kapasitas pemeriksaan physical material synthetic dan leather di tahun 2017. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meminimasi biaya dan dilakukan dengan menggunakan perhitungan peramalan menggunakan dua metode yaitu metode Siklis dan Single Exponential Smoothing dimana dari penggunaan kedua metode tersebut didapat bahwa metode Siklis lebih baik dibandingkan dengan Single Exponential Smoothing. Untuk perhitungan biaya persediaan apparatus lab menggunakan 4 metode yaitu metode Least Unit Cost, Least Total Cost, Economic Order Quantity, dan metode yang sudah berjalan di perusahaan dimana dari penggunaan 4 metode tersebut didapat bahwa metode Least Unit Cost dan Least Total Cost lebih baik dibandingkan kedua metode lainya. Hasil dari pengukuran dan analisa data tersebut akan digunakan untuk memperbaiki kapasitas pemeriksaan color migration dan migration fastness agar dapat terpenuhi dalam bentuk usulan dan perbaikan.


Kata kunci: peramalan, material requirement planning (MRP), capacity requirement planning (CRP)

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