Ismiyati Ismiyati, Ani Suryani, Djumali Mangunwidjaya, Machfud Machfud, Erliza Hambali



      Sodium lignosulfonat (NaLS) is a product that comes from lignin sulfonation process using NaHSO3 as its sulfonation agent. The process aimed to change the polarity of lignin. NaLS is classified of an anionic surfactant which has more polar hydrophilic property than that of lignin. Due to its property, NaLS has more useful as water reducing admixtures(WRA) which has a function as a binder and dispersant in gypsum paste or cement paste. Respon surface method (RSM) was used in optimization of sulfonation process with variation in ratio lignin and NaHSO3, acid value and temperature reaction. The optimum condition was obtained at reaction ratio of 60.6 %, pH 6,3 and temperature at 90 OC, yielded of 72.2 % with the purity of NaLS 80.05 %. NaLS identification used FT-IR and NMR spectroscopy has similar spectrum with Aldrich lignosulfonat (LS-Aldrich) . The physical-chemical properties of NaLS was also similar to lignosulfonate as water reducing admixtures (WRA) which meet the specco W†20†Standard requirement.

Keyword: Lignin, Sulfonation, Natrium lignosulfonat, Surfactant, Water reducing asmixtures, Dispersant



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