Mega Novetrishka Putri


In the transportation system, connectivity in routine transportation (especially multi-modal transportation), including in tourist areas. Connectivity is not only important for urban transportation, but also in tourist areas. The area is a variety of activities that encourage people outside the area to find and carry out activities in the region, and can be said to have a high level of mobility. Tourism Areas Ubud Village is one of the best tourist areas in Indonesia that can attract domestic and foreign tourists with their culture and tourism activities. The Ubud area was originally developed as a tourist area that is free of motorized vehicles, and currently does not have an integrated transportation mode system, especially non-motorized vehicles. Strategic location is currently difficult to get non-motorized vehicle modes. The problems that exist in the village tourism area, underlie this study to examine the factors and indicators that can be motivated can be done easily and efficiently in the village of Ubud. The analysis process is a qualitative method, with analytical techniques using the content method. This research was conducted using normative studies. Normative studies are carried out by conducting literature studies related to connectivity issues and no factors will be used to assist in Ubud village activities.


Keywords: connectivity, non-motorized vehicles, Ubud tourism area

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