Priska Erin, Aditianata Aditianata


This study discusses the economic conditions found in Lampu Satu Beach, Merauke Regency. The purpose of this study is to find out what are the factors that cause the economy of fishermen in the coastal area of Lampu Satu not to develop even though it is rich in biodiversity, as well as creating a strategy to improve the fishermen's economy. The theory used in this study is the theory of coastal areas, fishing villages, Integrated Coastal Management, integrated marine and fisheries concepts, and regional economic development. The research method used is to use qualitative methods, in addition to the data collection techniques carried out through observation, interview purposive sampling and accidental sampling. The results showed that Lampu Satu Beach had an isolated location, no access from the city center, no fishing gear and boats, and no network marketing.


Keywords: fishermen's economy, coastal area, economic improvement strategy, fishermen's village

Teks Lengkap:



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Planesa : Jurnal Teknik Planologi
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