Shintya Nurgita, Laili Fuji Widyawati


Jakarta Antik-Koper Market is one of the traditional markets in the Menteng Subdistrict area, Central Jakarta, which only sells antiques and bags / luggage. This market is a segmented traditional market. When viewed from its development, the Antik-Koper Jakarta Market has an advantage that has the potential to be developed into the trade and tourism sectors. The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of the market, to find out the distribution patterns of the supply of goods and marketing and to find out the right market development strategies to be carried out at the Antik-Koper Market in Jakarta. The method used in this study is the mix methods method and uses a SWOT analysis tool to determine the development strategy that will be carried out at the Antik-Koper Market in Jakarta. The results of this study are the Antik-Koper Jakarta Market has different characteristics from other markets, it can be seen from the characteristics of the merchandise sold, the characteristics of traders; and the characteristics of the dominant buyers come from the upper middle class and have an interest or love for antiques while in the distribution and marketing patterns it is identified that there are 4 patterns of distribution of antiques and 3 patterns of distribution of bags / luggage then for the development strategy carried out by using the concept of development through community needs and value and making the market a center for selling antiques and bags / luggage in the DKI Jakarta Province which will have an impact on activities in the trade and tourism sector.


Keywords: Antique-Suitcase Market Jakarta, segmented market, community needs and value

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