Waste management is one of the problems that cannot be resolved comprehensively and sustainably, especially in DKI Jakarta. Similar to what happened in Duri Kepa Village, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, waste processing and management are still using the method of storage, collection, transfer, transportation and final disposal. The rubbish in Duri Kepa Village has not been managed sustainably. Thus research is conducted on modeling the dynamic system of processing waste in a sustainable manner to find out how much waste can be processed by utilizing the participation of various parties. The purpose of this study was to identify the waste treatment system, the distribution of polling stations in the Duri Kepa Village, the factors that influence the increase in the amount of waste and create a dynamic system modeling scenario for sustainable waste management using a dynamic system model. There are two sub-systems that are modeled in this study, namely the sub-system of the population and the sub-system of waste volume. The results of the analysis that have been carried out show that by applying the composting method and waste bank, within a period of six months the volume of waste in the Duri Kepa Village can be reduced by using optimistic scenarios, moderate scenarios and pessimistic scenarios. From these three scenarios, it is found that the most appropriate scenario to be implemented in the Duri Kepa Village is an optimistic scenario. The application of this scenario is expected to involve participatory actors such as the Sanitation Department, local communities and scavengers in Duri Kepa Sub-District.
Keywords: waste management, dynamic, sustainable system, Duri Kepa VillageTeks Lengkap:
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