This study aims to obtain data on the effectiveness of Go-Jek Online Transportation by knowing the position of online motorcycle taxi transportation as part of the transportation mode, and analyzing the effectiveness of Go-Jek Online Transportation. Therefore, the approach method used in this study is descriptive quantitative method with weighting statistical analysis based on the level of user satisfaction so that the target of this study is 100 users of Go-Jek Online Transportation, and consider the opinions of drivers and people or experts who understand in the field transportation. Analysis of this research data with primary data, namely field observations, interviews and questionnaires, and secondary data, namely laws and books related to traffic and transportation. The results of the study on the position that shows Go-Jek Online Transportation has not been regulated in laws relating to traffic and road transport, but its existence is currently a mode of public transportation for the people in Jakarta because it fulfills expectations as a mode of transportation desired by the community. Achievement of its effectiveness is good, but it is still not optimal in some of its services, such as travel time span, driver services to users, application systems, security and safety, and new rates on fees that are charged at close or long distance. Therefore, the Go-Jek Indonesia company should collaborate with transportation related institutions in terms of their status and licensing as a mode of public transportation and with the operation of this transportation that people tend to be interested in. It is hoped that the government can create an effective public transportation service system need to be repaired or evaluated on services that are still not optimal.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Ojek Online, Go-Jek IndonesiaTeks Lengkap:
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