Kalideres Terminal is one of the transportation support facilities located in the West Jakarta area which has problems with the function shifting of pedestrian land into street vendors (PKL). The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of pedestrians in Kalideres Terminal, the condition of the pedestrian path in Kalideres Terminal and formulate directions for spatial arrangement of pedestrians in Kalideres Terminal. The theory used in this study is the theory of pedestrians and pedestrian pathways, using a quantitative approach method besides the data collection techniques used in this study are observation, visualization and questionnaires and data analysis. The results of this study identified that the condition of the pedestrian path was inadequate for the terminal area because it did not meet the standards of the pedestrian path that had been set because Kalideres Terminal was a type A terminal whose scale of service included AKDP and AKAP services and added the presence of street vendors that hampered the pace of pedestrians foot which results in obstructed pedestrian circulation with a density of 1.75 (m / meter) at 17.45-18.00 and pedestrian speed level 0.76 (m / meter) at 18.30-18.45 and the physical condition of Kalideres Terminal also has problems with facilities pedestrian support, such as a place to rest and trash and there are floors (paving) on Daan Mogot Road which are broken due to the absence of routine maintenance. So that the direction of the arrangement of pedestrian space in Kalideres Terminal by increasing the width of the pedestrian path by creating a line that is on Jalan Daan Mogot, repairing the floor (paving) which is broken, repairing supporting facilities that are not in accordance with the standards and returning the main function of the lane pedestrian as a pedestrian path by relocating street vendors into the terminal by providing facilities such as kiosks to trade in Kalideres Terminal.
Keywords: spatial planning, pedestrian path, Kalideres TerminalTeks Lengkap:
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Planesa : Jurnal Teknik Planologi Published by: Publishing Department of Esa Unggul University Arjuna Utara No 9 Street Kebon Jeruk Jakarta - 11510 Indonesia | |