Nikita Derajat Putri, Budi Sulistyo


Cilegon City is one of the National Activity Centers (PKN) which serves to serve national and international scale activities based on industrial activities, trade and services. Cilegon City has an industrial sector that is growing rapidly and has an impact on the high number of workers. The development of industrial activities in the city of Cilegon is inseparable from social activity that requires space to allocate workers' needs, especially the need for housing equipped with its facilities and infrastructure. Citangkil Subdistrict is one of the sub-districts in Cilegon which is directed to the development of settlements and has very good development potential because of the strategic location of Citangkil Sub-District and supported by related policies. The purpose of this study is to plan a new urban planning concept in Citangkil District which is equipped with complementary needs components such as supporting facilities and infrastructure. The analytical method used is determining location based on site selection criteria, external and internal analysis in the form of carrying capacity, capacity, location analysis, accessibility analysis, analysis of new city component requirements, and analysis of three level of product. The study shows that new city planning in Citangkil Subdistrict with the potential possessed by applying the Mixed Use Development concept can be an alternative solution in meeting the needs of settlements equipped with supporting facilities and infrastructure so that workers no longer live outside Cilegon City.


Keywords: Cilegon City, industry, new city, planning concept, three level of product, mixed use development.

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