Violita Liyubayina


As a new province as a result of the expansion of West Java Province, Banten Province has its own charm, causing high rates of migration and creating various activities to improve the economy, one of which is industrial activity. Based on the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) of Serang Regency, Bojonegara District is directed as the direction of the Promotional Local Activity Center (PKLp) in the areas of residential, industrial, tourism and so on. These directives make industrial activities in Bojonegara Subdistrict increasingly rapid, especially in coastal areas, giving rise to reclamation activities to meet space needs to improve industrial development. This study aims to identify environmental and socio-economic characteristics in the Banten Gulf Coast, identify reclamation activities in the Banten Gulf Coast and analyze the impact of Banten Bay reclamation on environmental and socio-economic conditions in Bojonegara District. The method used in this analysis is quantitative descriptive with the help of Arcgis 10.1 analysis tool to see changes that occur before and after reclamation activities. The results of this study are that there are environmental impacts, namely reduced protected areas such as mangroves, seagrass beds and coral reefs, while from socio-economic conditions, namely the reduction in the number of fishermen and the number of capture fisheries production because the reclamation activities are not in accordance with Minister of Public Works Regulation No.40 Year 2007 concerning Guidelines for Spatial Planning for Reclamation Areas.


Keywords: Impact of Reclamation, Environment, Social Economy, Banten Bay.

Teks Lengkap:



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