Performance and engagement of employee could drop anytime, the company’s inability to provide work-life balance could even lead to quiet quitting that if ignored could increase employee turnover. The purpose of this study is to give information about the connections about quiet quitting based on the previous studies. The methods used for this bibliometric analysis were to merge the use of Publish or perish software to find previous studies with keyword “quiet quitting” and the use of VOSviewer software to cluster and to visualize its items of study. The results of this study were in the span of 2022-2024 there were 996 studies about quiet quitting, VOSviewer clustered the items into 5 (five) cluster and visualized the connection between items, publication year, and topic density or publication frequencies. The visualizations results showed that these items have connections between clusters, these items of study are quiet firing and disengagement both have a connection of their own, the next items were the great resignation, management, work-life balance and job burnout each items have a connection with job satisfaction. This study also find that job burnout and job satisfaction were the items of study which have relatively small density because it was mostly studied in the year of 2024. This study concluded that the connection between items of study quiet firing and disengagement are worth paying attention to whenever discussing quiet quitting also job burnout and job satisfaction were the items of study which connections on quiet quitting were rarely studied.
Kinerja dan keterlibatan pegawai dapat menurun setiap saat. Ketidakmampuan perusahaan untuk memberikan work-life balance dapat mengarah kepada quiet quitting yang apabila diabaikan akan dapat meningkatkan turnover pegawai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan informasi terkait hubungan yang ada pada quiet quitting berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian analisis bibliometrik ini adalah menggabungkan software publish or perish dalam mencari penelitian terdahulu dengan kata kunci “quiet quitting” dan penggunaan software VOSviewer dalam mengklaster dan memvisualisasikan butir-butir penelitian tersebut. Hasil yang ditemukan pada penelitian ini adalah pada rentang waktu 2022-2024 terdapat 996 penelitian terkait quiet quitting, VOSviewer mengklaster butir-butir tersebut menjadi 5 (lima) klaster dan memvisualisasikan hubungan antar butir, tahun publikasi dan densitas topik atau frekuensi penelitian. Hasil visualisasi menunjukkan bahwa butir-butir ini memiliki hubungan antar klaster, butir penelitian quiet firing dan disengagement memiliki hubungannya tersendiri, butir berikutnya adalah the great resignation, management, work-life balance dan job burnout masing-masing memiliki hubungan dengan job satisfaction. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa job burnout dan job satisfaction merupakan butir penelitian yang memiliki densitas relatif kecil karena lebih sering diteliti pada tahun 2024. Sehingga berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa hubungan butir penelitian quiet firing dan disengagement patut mendapatkan perhatian terkait hubungannya dengan quiet quitting serta job burnout dan job satisfaction merupakan butir penelitian yang jarang diteliti hubungannya dengan quiet quitting.
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