Swiss Ball exercise dan Koreksi Postur Tidak Terbukti Lebih Baik Dalam Memperkecil Derajat Skoliosis Idiophatik Daripada Klapp Exercise dan Koreksi Postur Pada Anak Usia 11 – 13 Tahun

Sari S


Latar Belakang: Skoliosis adalah kelainan-kelainan pada rangka tubuh berupa kelengkungan tulang belakang, dimana terjadi pembengkokan tulang belakang kearah samping kiri atau kanan atau kelainan tulang belakang pada bentuk C atau S. Tanda umum skoliosis antara lain tulang bahu yang berbeda, tulang belikat yang menonjol, lengkungan tulang belakang yang nyata, panggul yang miring, perbedaan antara ruang lengan dan tubuh. Derajat skoliosis dapat diketahui dengan test adam forward Bending dan inclinometer. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui efektifitas pelatihan swiss ball exercise dan koreksi postur dan efektifitas pelatihan klapp exercise dan koreksi postur dalam memperkecil derajat scoliosis pada anak usia 11-13 tahun. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan desain pre and post with contol group. Dalam penelitian ini, 15 responden diberikan pelatihan swiss ball exercise dan 15 responden diberikan pelatihan klapp exercise. Masing – masing perlakuan di berikan koreksi postur setiap melakukan aktivitas. Latihan dilakukan dengan durasi 45 menit frekuensi 3 kali seminggu selama 12 minggu data berupa pre test dan post test. Didapat dengan menurunnya derajat scoliosis. Hasil: Pada kelompok perlakuan pelatihan swiss ball exercise terjadi perbedaan rerata derajat skoliosis debgan nilai p<0,05 dan menunjukan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan. Sedangkan pada kelompok pelakuan pelatihan klapp exercise terjadi perbedaan rerata derajat scoliosis dengan nilai p<0,05 dan menunjukan perbedaan yang signifikan. Kesimpulan: Kombinasi swiss ball exercise dan koreksi postur sama efektifitas dalam memperkecil derajat skoliosis dengan kombinasi klapp exercise dan koreksi postur pada anak usia 11 – 13 tahun.


Kata kunci : swiss ball exercise, klapp exercise, derajat skoliosis




Background : Scoliosis is abnormalities in skeletal form of the curvature of the spine , where the spine bending occurs towards the left or right side or abnormalities spine in the form of C or S. Common Signs of scoliosis include different shoulder bone , protruding shoulder blades , spine curvature real, pelvic tilt, the difference between arm and body space. Degree of scoliosis can be known with adam forward Bending  and inclinometer test. Objective : The purpose of this study was to determine effectivity of swiss ball exercise training and posture correction and training effectiveness Klapp and posture correction exercise in reducing the scoliosis degree in children aged 11-13 years. Methods : This type of research was experimental design with pre and post contol group. In this study , 15 respondents were given swiss ball exercise training and 15 respondents were given Klapp excercise training . Each posture correction treatment was given every activity. Exercises performed with 45-minute frequency of 3 times a week for 12 weeks of data in the form of pre test and post test . Obtained by decreasing the degree of scoliosis. Result: This study are in the treatment group swiss ball exercise training the degree of scoliosis occurs with mean difference value of p< 0.05 and showed a significant difference. While in the commission of exercise training occurs Klapp mean difference degrees of scoliosis with a value of p < 0.05 and showed a significant difference. Congclution: this study is the combination of swiss ball exercises and posture correction equally effective in reducing the degree of scoliosis with Klapp combination of exercise and posture correction in children aged 11-13 years

Keywords : swiss ball exercise, klapp exercise, the degree of scoliosis


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