Nastiti Az-Zahra, Fudjiwati Ichsani



Purpose this reseach is to determine difference effect of exercise eccentric contraction hydrotherapy with ballistic stretching exercise on flexibility of muscle hamstring in adolescent 16-17 years old. Methode the research is purposive experiment, where an increase in the value of flexibility measured using sit and reach. The sample consisted of 24 subject from SMAN 27 Bandung, randomly selected to be into two groups. The treatment group I with the eccentric contraction exercises correction hydrotherapy meanwhile treatment group II with ballistic stretching exercises. data which obtained from normality test is normal, meanwhile data resulted in homogen variant. The results of hypothesis testing in the treatment group I p value = 0.001, it means eccentric contraction exercises hydrotherapy can improve the flexibility of the hamstring muscles. In the treatment group II p value = 0.001, it means ballistic stretching exercises can improve the flexibility of the hamstring muscles. On the Independent Sample t-Test showed 0.76, which means eccentric contraction exercises hydrotherapy same as ballistic stretching exercises in improving flexibility of the hamstring muscles. Exercise eccentric contractions hydrotherapy same as ballistic stretching exercises in improving the flexibility of the hamstring muscles.


Keywords: eccentric contraction hydrotherapy, ballistic stretching, hamstring.



Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan efek latihan kontraksi eksentrik hydrotherapy dengan latihan ballistic stretching terhadap fleksibilitas otot hamstring pada remaja putri 16-17 tahun. Metode penelitian ini bersifat purposive exsperiment, nilai fleksibilitas diukur menggunakan sit and reach test. Sample terdiri dari 24 orang siswi SMAN 27 Bandung dipilih secara acak untuk dibagi kedalam dua kelompok. Kelompok perlakuan I dengan latihan kontraksi eksentrik hydrotherapy exercise sementara kelompok perlakuan II terdiri dengan latihan ballistic stretching. Uji normalitas data berdistribusi normal sedangkan uji homogenitas didapatkan data memiliki varian homogen. Hasil uji hipotesa pada kelompok perlakuan I didapatkan nilai p=0,001 yang berarti latihan Kontraksi eksentrik hydrotherapy dapat meningkatkan fleksibilitas otot hamstring. Pada kelompok perlakuan II didapatkan nilai p=0,001 yang berarti latihan ballistic stretching dapat meningkatkan fleksibilitas otot hamstring. Pada hasil Independent Sample t-Test menunjukan 0,76 yang berarti latihan kontraksi eksentrik hydrotherapy dan latihan ballistic stretching sama baiknya dalam meningkatkan fleksibilitas otot hamstring. Latihan kontraksi eksentrik hydrotherapy dan latihan ballistic stretching sama baiknya dalam meningkatkan fleksibilitas otot hamstring.


Kata kunci : Kontraksi eksentrik hidroterapi, ballistic stretching, hamstring.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.47007/fisio.v16i1.1618


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