Dewi Nurcahyani, Syahmirza Indra Lesmana, Mohammad Reza Hilmy



Objective: To find out the correlation between hamstring extensibility and hip stability in the futsal players.Method: This study is a non-experimental research in the form of correlation studies to analyze the relationship between variables. A total sample of 20 futsal players from the Faculty of Physiotherapy at Esa Unggul University 2016-2018 aged 19-22 years.Measuring instruments used are sit and reach test for hamstring extensibility and single leg stance test for hip stability. Results: The results of measurements of sit and reach test were 25.45 ± 7.04 and in the single leg stance test the dominant side was 38.22 ± 19.76, the non-dominant side was 40.65 ± 18.19. Correlation test with the Spearman Rank Test obtained r = -0,483 for hamstring extensibility and dominant side hip stability, and r = -0,166 for the non-dominant side. Conclusion: There is no correlation between hamstring extensibility and hip stability in futsal players.


Keywords: Hamstring Extensibility, Futsal, Hip Stability



Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan ekstensibilitas hamstring dan stabilisasi hip pada pemain futsal. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian non eksperimental berupa studi korelasi untuk menganalisa hubungan antar variable. Total sampel sebanyak 20 orang pemain futsal Fakultas Fisioterapi Universitas Esa Unggul angkatan 2016-2018 berusia 19-22 tahun. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah sit and reach test untuk ekstensibilitas hamstring dan single leg stance test untuk stabilisasi hip. Hasil: Hasil pengukuran sit and reach test 25,45±7,04 dan pada single leg stancetest sisi dominan 38,22±19,76, sisi tidak dominan 40,65±18,19. Uji korelasi dengan Spearman Rank Test didapatkan r=-0,483 untuk ekstensibilitas hamstring dan stabilisasi hip sisi dominan, dan r= -0,166 untuk sisi tidak dominan. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan antara ekstensibilitas hamstring dan stabilisasi hip pada pemain futsal.


Kata Kunci: Ekstensibilitas Hamstring, Futsal, Stabilisasi Hip


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