Pelatihan Metode Active Isolated Stretching Lebih Efektif Daripada Contract Relax Stretching dalam Meningkatkan Fleksibilitas Otot Hamstring

Wismanto Wismanto



Latar Belakang: Fleksibilitas adalah kemampuan suatu jaringan atau otot untuk memanjang semaksimal mungkin, sehingga tubuh dapat bergerak dengan lingkup gerak sendi yang penuh, tanpa disertai rasa nyeri. Berkurangnya fleksibilitas otot hamstring sering terjadi di masyarakat. Hal tersebut akan mempengaruhi keseimbangan kerja otot, perubahan sikap, gangguan aktifitas berjalan, kekakuan sendi, gangguan kapsul dan tendon. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut perlu stretching yang tepat, untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dan untuk keberhasilan tersebut, peran fisioterapi sangat besar. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui perbedaan efektifitas pelatihan metode Active Isolated Stretching dan Contract Relax Stretching dalam meningkatkan fleksibilitas otot hamstring. Metode: Penelitian ini memilih subyek penelitian dari karyawan Rumah Sakit Advent Bandung, berusia 30 tahun sampai dengan  49 tahun., berjumlah 24 orang, sesuai perhitungan sampel dalam rumus Pocock. Sampel dibagi menjadi 2 group, masing-masing terdiri dari 12 orang yaitu kelompok perlakuan I (Active Isolated Stretching)  dan kelompok perlakuan II (Contract Relax Stretching), dilakukan pengukuran fleksibilitas otot hamstring dengan sit and reach test untuk mendapatkan data awal sebelum pelatihan dan data akhir sesudah pelatihan. Pelatihan dilakukan 3 kali seminggu selama 10 minggu. Hasil : Pada pengujian hipotesis I dengan uji Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test, nilai  p< 0,05, berarti ada perbedaan yang bermakna pelatihan  metode Active Isolated Stretching  dalam meningkatkan fleksibilitas otot hamstring. Pengujian hipotesis II dengan uji Paired Sample t-test, didapatkan nilai p<0,05, berarti ada perbedaan yang bermakna pelatihan  metode Contract Relax Stretching  dalam meningkatkan fleksibilitas otot hamstring. Pengujian hipotesis III dengan uji Mann-Whitney U Test, didapatkan nilai p<0,05, berarti ada perbedaan  yang bermakna dimana pelatihan  metode Active Isolated Stretching lebih efektif daripada Contract Relax Stretching  dalam meningkatkan fleksibilitas otot hamstring. Active Isolated Stretching merupakan stretching aktif, menggunakan terapi myofacial release dan stretching untuk otot, tendon dan facia. Kesimpulan: pelatihan  metode Active Isolated Stretching lebih efektif daripada Contract Relax Stretching  dalam meningkatkan fleksibilitas otot hamstring Manfaat lain dari Active Isolated Stretching yaitu tidak perlu menghabiskan waktu lama untuk menjalankan pelatihan peregangan dan program fitness. Hal tersebut sedang dipergunakan secara international diperkenalkan kepada para pelatih pribadi, pelatih atlit, physiotherapist, atlit-atlit profesional dan atlit olimpiade dan perlu disosialisasikan kepada masyarakat tentang pentingnya latihan stretching disamping untuk mencegah terjadinya cidera lebih lanjut. Sangat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat luas karena disamping dapat dikerjakan sendiri dirumah, tanpa pertolongan pelatih, juga menghemat waktu dan biaya.

Kata kunci : Fleksibilitas, Active Isolated Stretching, Contract Relax Stretching



Background: The ability of tissue or muscle stretching to the maximum is called flexibility; this enables the body to move in full joint movement scope without experiencing any pain. There are occurrences in the community when the hamstring muscle flexibility was reduced. This will affect the balance of muscle contraction, posture changes, and disturbances in walking, joint stiffness, capsule and tendon disorders. To overcome this problem, proper stretching is needed and physiotherapy plays a big role in achieving maximum result and success. Conducting muscle training by rational approach to increase hamstring muscle flexibility. Objective : This study aims to determine difference between the training using Active Isolated Stretching with Contract Relax Stretching in increasing the hamstring muscle flexibility. Method : Subjects participating for this research are 24 employees of Bandung Adventist Hospital  with age ranging from 30 to 49 years old according to the sample calculation by Pocock formula. The samples were divided into two groups consisting 12 people; Group I (Active Isolated Stretching) and Group II (ContractRelaxStretching); hamstring muscle flexibility measurement was conducted through sit and reach test to obtain preliminary data (before training) and final data (after training). The training was conducted 3 times a week for a period of 10 weeks. Result : Hypothesis I was tested using Wilcoxon Sign Rank test, the p value (< 0.05) showed a significant difference on Active Isolated Stretching exercise in increasing hamstring muscle flexibility. Hypothesis II was tested using Paired Sample t-test, the pvalue (< 0.05) showed a significant difference on Contract Relax Stretching in increasing hamstring muscle flexibility. Hypothesis III was tested using Mann-Whitney U Test, the p value (< 0.05) showed a significant difference where the training using Active Isolated Stretching showed more efficacies compared to Contract Relax Stretching in increasing the hamstring muscle flexibility. Congclution : The training using Active Isolated Stretching showed more efficacies compared to Contract Relax Stretching in increasing the hamstring muscle flexibility. The Active Isolated Stretchingtechnique is a myofacial release and stretching muscles, tendon and facia, and utilizes active movement  and reciprocal inhibition to reduce co-contraction and optimize flexibility. Other benefit of Active Isolated Stretching comprises the less time spent in conducting stretching and fitness programs. This method is currently practiced by personal trainer, athlete trainers, physiotherapists, professional athletes and also Olympic athletes worldwide, thus there is a need to introduce the importance of beneficial stretching exercise to the community in order to overcome hamstring muscle flexibility disturbances, as well as to prevent further injuries. This exercise will be beneficial to the community because other than being able to perform this exercise at home without trainer's assistance, it also saves time and money.

Keywords: Flexibility, Active Isolated Stretching, Contract Relax Stretching


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