Latihan “Theraband†Lebih Baik Menurunkan Nyeri Daripada Latihan Quadricep Bench Pada Osteoarthritis Genu

Sri Suriani, Syahmirza Indra Lesmana



Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui latihan “Theraband†lebih baik menurunkan nyeri daripada latihan Quadricep Bench pada Osteoarthritis genu. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian eksperimintal untuk mengetahui efek suatu intervensi yang dilakukan terhadap objek penelitian. Sampel terdiri 20 orang pasein RSUD Sekayu yang nyeri lutut,dan dipilih berdasarkan tehnik purposive sampling dengan menggunakan tabel assesmin yang tersedia. Sampel dikelompokan menjadi 2 kelompok perlakuan,kelompok perlakuan 1 latihan “Theraband†dan kelompok perlakuan II latihan Quadricep Bench yang masing-masing terdiri dari 10 orang. Hasil : Uji normalitas dengan shapiro wilk test didapat data sebelum dan sesudah kelompok perlakuan 1 dan II data berdistribusi tidak normal dan selisih kelompok 1dan II data berdistribusi normal sedangkan uji homogenitas dengan levene’s test didapatkan data tidak homogen. Hasil uji hipotesis uji Wilcoxon signed Rank test sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan 1yaitu nilai p 0,005 dimana p<0,05 ini   berarti ho ditolak sehingga dapat disimpulkan latihan “Therabandâ€dapat menurunkan nyeri pada Osteoarthritis genu. Kemudian hasil uji Wilcoxon Signed Rank test perlakuan II yaitu nilai p0,005 dimana p<0,05 ini berarti ho ditolak sehingga dapat disimpulkan latihan Quadricep Bench dapat menurunkan nyeri pada Osteoarthritis genu. Sedangkan hasil untuk uji Independent Sample T test yaitu selisih kelompok perlakuan 1 dengan selisih kelompom perlakuan II p0,034 dimana p<0,05 ini berarti latihan “Theraband†lebih baik menurunkan nyeri daripada latihan Quadricep Bench pada osteoarthritis genu. Kesimpulan : Ada perbedaan Latihan “Therabndâ€lebih baik menurunkan nyeri daripada latihan Quadricep Bench pada Osteoarthritis genu.

Kata kunci : latihan “therabandâ€, latihan quadricep bench, osteoarthritis genu



Objective: To determine the "Theraband" exercise reduce pain better than quadriceps exercises Bench on Osteoarthritis genu. Methods: This research is experimental research to determine the effect of an intervention conducted the research object. The sample consisted of 20 patient of Hospital Sekayu who has knee pain, and selected based on purposive sampling technique using tables asses  available. Samples are grouped into 2 treatment groups, treatment group 1 exercise "Theraband" and the treatment group II Bench quadriceps exercises, each of which consists of 10 people. Results: Shapiro Wilk normality test with test data obtained before and after treatment groups 1 and II data is not normally distributed and the difference in group 1 and II trials the data were normally distributed whereas Levene's test of homogeneity with the data obtained is not homogeneous. Test results hypothesis Wilcoxon Signed Rank test before and after treatment 1yaitu p value of 0.005 where p <0.05 was meant ho rejected so it can be concluded exercise "Theraband" can reduce pain in osteoarthritis genu. Then the results of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test II test treatments that the value of p0, 005 where p <0.05 was meant ho rejected so it can be concluded Bench quadriceps exercises can reduce pain in osteoarthritis genu. While the test results to the Independent Sample T test is the difference in treatment group 1 with the difference in treatment group II  p0, 034 where p <0.05 was significant exercise "Theraband" better than exercise reduce pain in osteoarthritis genu quadriceps Bench. Conclusion: There is a difference exercise "Theraband" reduce pain better than quadriceps exercises Bench on Osteoarthritis genu.

Keywords:  exercise "theraband", quadriceps bench exercise and osteoarthritis genu


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