Sumber Daya Alam dan Sumber Daya Manusia Untuk Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia

Ari Anggarani WPT, Katryn Tri W.I


Human resources and natural resources are two key components of a life. Both should be in line with the very good. If it can not balance each other then life will not go well. In a state where the two are not in line will result in a state of life. Advance whether or not a country is caused also by the quality of natural resources and human resources. The most influential thing is how the quality of the human resources sector in the country. If a country already has a good natural resources but does not have the human resources, the quality of the country can be governed by foreign nations who have the human resources of high quality. Human resources is an asset of the nation to build the Indonesian economy. In an effort to realize the nation and the people of Indonesia are developed, independent and prosperous, the role of education is very important. Higher education can produce a variety of ideas and concepts to advance the dignity of the people of Indonesia. With the knowledge someone will be able to organize and utilize natural resources well. So that the economy in a country can be increased and the welfare society.

Keywords: natural resources, human resources, economics


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