Novera Herdiani, Wiwik Afridah



Cigarette smoke contains free radicals. Currently the number of smokers in Indonesia are still high. This study aims to analyze the effects of red rosella of dried on the prevention of the increase of Malondialdehyde (MDA) serum of strain wistar rats exposed to cigarette smoke. The total sample of 24 male rats and divided into four groups : negative control, positive control, treatment of red rosella on dried dose 540 mg/bw, and red rosella on dried dose 810 mg/bw. Negative control only given with standard feed. Positive control given by standard feed and exposed to 2 cigarettes a day. Treatment group were feed by standard and red rosella of dried in the morning and exposed to 2 cigarettes after that. This study was conducted for 21 days. At the end of the study, blood serum was analyzed to determine MDA. The results of the study of MDA serum test is analyzed with One Way ANOVA and followed by Tukey LSD test at 5% level. The giving of red rosella on dried dose 540 mg/bw and red rosella on dried dose 810 mg/bw can significantly prevent the increase of MDA serum in strain wistar rats exposed to cigarette smoke.

Keywords :
red rosella of dried, cigarette smoke, MDA


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