Harlinda Syofyan



One method that can be applied to achieve the goal of learning is a method of learning by using teaching methods that engage students actively in learning the method of problem solving. Methods Problem solving is a way used to provide stimulus to learning for learners to be able to make them think in a real and analyze, solve problems and then draw conclusions from the existing problems with steps or cycles 1) Identify the problem, 2) for the data to solve the problem, 3) Establish strategies and hypotheses or answer while, 4) Testing the truth of the hypothesis, 5) Make a conclusion, and 6). Critical thinking skills is one of the basic capital or intellectual capital is very important for everyone, but it is this ability is a fundamental part in human maturity. Critical thinking is grounded and reflective thinking by emphasizing the making of decisions about what to believe and do. To achieve the desired objectives teachers can apply the learning method that can improve students' critical thinking, a method that can memaksimakan participation of learners in learning science, a method that more engaging students will provide the opportunity for students to develop thinking critical through understanding and activities in class .. The purpose of this study is; the application of science teaching methods with methods of problem solving is expected to enhance the effectiveness of learning, so that learning science would seem more attractive and encourage student learning and obtain better results. Based on the research application method of problem solving (problem solving) in an effort to improve students' critical thinking in this case related to the ability to formulate problems, analyze, deduce, induction, evaluate and make decisions is obtained in the third cycle increased critical thinking skills in the application of the method problem solving with the achievement of the 83% of students have reached KKM expected.


Keywords: methods of problem solving, learning science, critical thinking


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