Gerry Firmansyah



E-government is an utilization of information and communication technology by government agencies to provide services to the public, businessmen and other government agencies. Governmental services with the community are called G2C (Government to Citizen), government agencies with G2B (Government to Business) businesspeople, and government agencies with other government agencies G2G (inter-agency relationship). In implementing e-Government requires a framework architecture, often referred to as Government Architecture Framework (GAF). A Government Architecture Framework is an effective and efficient e-Government implementation framework so as to focus on government services. The Government Architecture Framework of a country is different from other countries. For that we need to understand how the Government Architecture Framework implemented, therefore needed a review of the existing literature. Mechanism of literature review consists of various ways, in this research is done mechanism of Systematic Literature Review to get picture Government Architecture Framework especially model, method and Measurement. From this research got some things from the start of the classification of the year, the journal that publishes many GAF, and who are the most publishers of GAF. This is the basis for research with the topic of Government Architecture Framework.


Keywords: e-government, government architecture framework, enterprise architecture


E-government adalah suatu pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi oleh instansi pemerintahan untuk memberikan layanan kepada masyarakat, pebisnis dan instansi pemerintahan yang lain. Layanan instansi pemerintah dengan masyarakat disebut G2C (Government to Citizen), instansi pemerintah dengan pebisnis G2B (Government to Business), dan instansi pemerintah dengan instansi pemerintah lainnya G2G (inter-agency relationship). Dalam mengimplementasi e-Government memerlukan suatu arsitektur berupa kerangka, sering disebut sebagai Government Architecture Framework (GAF). Suatu Government Architecture Framework merupakan kerangka pelaksanaan e-Government yang efektif dan efisien sehingga fokus pada layanan pemerintahan.Government Architecture Framework suatu negara berbeda dengan negara lainnya. Untuk itu perlu dipahami bagaimana Government Architecture Framework diimplementasikan, Olehkarena itu diperlukan suatu penelaahan terhadap literatur yang ada. Mekanisme telaah literatur terdiri dari berbagai cara, pada penelitian ini dilakukan mekanisme Systematic Literatur Review untuk mendapatkan gambaran Government Architecture Framework terutama model, method dan Measurementnya. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan beberapa hal dari mulai klasifikasi tahun , jurnal yang banyak mempublikasikan GAF, serta siapa saja peneliti yang paling banyak mempublikasikan GAF. Hal ini menjadi dasar bagi penelitian dengan topik Government Architecture Framework.


Kata kunci : e-government, government architecture framework, enterprise architectu

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