Mikaela Berliyana Alitani


This study aims to provide an overview of the effect of social story methods to reduce temper tantrum in children with autism spectrum disorder or what will be called autism. Social story is a method developed by Carol Gray in the form of illustrated short stories used to teach a concept or social skill with a special format that is easily understood by children with autism disorders. There are two hypotheses used in this study. The first is: the score at the treatment stage is lower than at the baseline stage. While the second hypothesis is: that the score at the baseline stage is lower than the follow-up stage. The research method used in this study is the Single Case Design Quasi Experiment research method, especially ABAB design. The subjects of this study were children with autism disorder who were in class III of SDLB Negeri Semarang, experiencing temper tantrums and love to read. The rating scale method is used to collect data. The rating scale used is the temper tantrum rating scale. Data analysis uses quantitative and qualitative analysis. Based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis, it can be concluded that the social story method influences the decrease in temper tantrum in children with autism disorder but has not shown a permanent effect.


Keywords: autism, temper tantrum, social story method

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