Eka Cempaka Putri


Fire case is contributing for propery damage not only in developed countries but also developing countries like Indonesia. The Geneva Association in 2014 recorded a loss due to fires is 1% of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product). The fire occurred in a residential area, apartment buildings and high-rise office.  High risk building poses higher risk if fires including asset damage, loss of securities, deaths and injuries from fire more significant. The author conducted research descriptive analytic, of desain studycrosecctional for the analysis the fire risk in one of high risk  buildings in Jakarta, where the research is to identify risk factors that have the potential to cause a fire, failure factors in dealing with fires, and factors that complicate the evacuation of occupants buildings seen from the point of view of man, material, method, machine and environment.Then the results of risk identification were analyzed for frequency and its consequences through semi-quantitative analysis and resulting that the most high risk factors of fire in the building X is lack of control for unsafe action and unsafe condition that lead to fire in building. Nevertheless X building have low risk of fire.


Keywords : environment; gdp; fire; man; material; method; machine; risk

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