Diana Novita


Paying activities such as income tax and several other taxes, is something that must be done by people who work and have income and this often becomes a scourge among the community. This is caused by many factors making it so difficult to do. Even if there is a tax consulting service, they will definitely think back to visit the tax consultant, how much the cost is, will they help the public make their tax reports, and various other questions about tax payment and reporting activities in the community. The general public especially taxpayers still find it difficult to get information and pay and take care of taxes that must be paid. This paper aims to evaluate how the Android application can help and make it easier for taxpayers to find out tax information. The research method used is the method of observation and interviews, while for the application development method using the MDLC (Mobile Development Life Cycle) method. The software used is Windows 10 Pro, Android Studio, Java development 7, Sublime Text 3. The results of the application built based on alpha testing are functionally issued results that are as expected and based on beta testing according to respondents, the application is as needed and runs well. From this paper, it is expected to provide a new discourse for taxpayers and can help the general public in carrying out their tax reporting activities and also make it easy for them to consult with tax advisors if they encounter obstacles in their tax reporting process.


Keywords: Android Application, Tax, Consultation

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