Adaptasi dan Interaksi Hasil Pemahaman Masyarakat Dusun Lubuk Baka Terhadap Alam Dalam Pengelolaan Agroforestri

Rudi Hilmanto



Concepts Management of resource always expanding, is started: "Non-renewable resource", "Renewable resource", "Green Revolution", and in this moment" Go Organic 2010".  This concepts represent result of understanding of human being to nature of pursuant to technology and knowledge growth owned by human being. The objective of this research was to depicting form of community interaction and adaptation in Dusun Lubuk Baka result of understanding to nature in management agroforestry. The research method was Explanatory Survey method.  The result of the research showed understanding of community to nature was nature as community life source which require to be taken care of and preserve. Factors influencing interaction and adaptation form socialize in the form of activity exploit and eksplorasi which in control, namely: (a) Rate technique ability; (b) The Education; (c) The independence community; (d) The society, while factor causing activity exploiationt and exploration which do not in control, namely: (a) The economic organization; (b) The conflict that happened; (c) Security

Keywords: Adaptation, Interaction, Exploitation



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