Aplikasi Teori Kebutuhan ERG Alderfer Terhadap Motivasi Karyawan Rumah Sakit Islam Hidayatullah Yogyakarta

Endang Ruswanti, Alhani Rita Rosita, Unggul Januarko



This study aims to determine working motivation of the employees of hidayatullah Islamic Hospital of Yogyakarta seen from Alderfer's ERG need theory. According to Alderfer's ERG need theory, working motivation is identified through three aspects of employees' needs, abbreviated to "ERG": E = Existence (needs for existence), R = Relatedness (needs to communicate with others) and G = Growth (growth needs). The three aspects of needs move through the patterns of: satisfaction-progression, regression-frustration and satisfaction-strengthening, in the context of the dynamics of a particular working organization.The number of 100 employees served as the research sample using probability sampling techniques in the form of simple random sampling. The data were obtained through questionnaires arranged by Arnolds and Bosshoff. The data analysis was done by using descriptive statistics. The data which were then stated in percentage, interpreted and measured were the ones concerning responses in terms of positive or negative attitudes of the respondents.The research findings suggested that 44.25 percent of the employees responded negatively to Alderfer’s existence needs; 55.75 percent of the employees responded positively to Alderfer’s existence needs; 41.625 percent of the employees responded negatively to Alderfer’s relatedness needs; 58.375 percent of the employees responded positively to Alderfer’s relatedness needs; 40.75 percent of the employees responded negatively to Alderfer’s  growth needs; 59.25 percent of employees responded positively to Alderfer’s  growth needs. Alderfer's existence needs contributed the smallest share and Alderfer's growth needs provided the biggest contribution for the formation of employees’ working motivation.

Keywords: working motivation, existence needs, relatedness needs and growth needs


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