Pemimpin dan Kepemimpinan Organisasi

Jatmiko Jatmiko



Leadership role in the community is very important in determining the direction of the management towards the achievement of a community / organization to achieve the vision. Shared equally by the members were in accordance with the planning step by step according to the function and role of the members work together towards the achievement of objectives. Leader of the organization / community with a variety of challenges in carrying out its functions, must have the knowledge and skills of planning, organizing, leading, controlling and empowering to know and understand how the resources are there, especially human resources. Style lead (leadership style) one skill that can determine the rhythm and direction of progress to be achieved, for example, patterns of behavior that are favored by the leader in directing and influencing the workers. The true leader is a person who has a different specificity with which ordinary people are able to look further, deeper, and wider. Different types of leadership styles must be a reference to anyone who was instrumental in leading the organization / community or even a non-commercial well on a commercial level. In principle, an organization / community sees the need of leaders with fundamental reason is the power / force in pushing the organization / community made up of people who work, generally as a regular person, adherents of routine life, minimalism, and passionate in accordance with sklus life. The purpose of this paper is none other than the parties to provide an overview of the organization's future leaders / commercial and non-commercial community in order to successfully carry out their duties to achieve the vision and mission of the organization / community, so that the organization sustain, have a good level of sustainability in its operations. Many of the determinants of success in achieving objectives oerganisasi / community both internal and external, but as a true leader with an understanding of course concepts and skills to lead then open it as a problem inhibiting achieve but with the advent of the open issues to achieve the goals of the organization / community with the formulate problems arising from the completion of stage-by-step in the operational process. So in the leadership of the organization / community, a leader must have an understanding of leadership, techniques / styles, roles and functions, as well as know the character and behavior of the members of the force to move in rhythm to achieve operational objectives. Thus the leader will earn trust, to inspire, to bring out the real impact of a positive transpormasi achieve the vision and mission of the organization / community.

Kata Kunci: Pemimpin, Kepemimpinan, Peran, Fungsi, Efektif, Konflik.


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