
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

General requirements

  1. The article has not been published before and is also not for consideration in other Journals.
  2. Files are saved in Word format
  3. Reference using Mendeley with APA, citation using last name and year.
  4. Make sure the submitted article matches the “HEALTH PUBLICA” template
  5. Articles that do not meet the requirements will not be processed further

Abstract Format

Abstract is written in one paragraph with a maximum of 300 words and is accompanied by a maximum of 5 keywords. Abstract using English and Indonesian.

Manuscript Format The following is the format for submitting the journal Health Publica:

  • Original article consisting
  1. Abstract
  2. Background
  3. Method
  4. Results (Table with 10 fonts)
  5. Discussion
  6. Conclusion
  • The submitted article is written in Indonesian.
  • Times New Roman font in size 12 (except title with font 14 and abstract font 10), spaced 1, on A4 size paper. Borders/margins of writing on four sides are 2 cm apart. Single space (before 0 and after 0). By indenting and using spaces between paragraphs.
  • Affiliation is written in 11 bold font accompanied by full name and information regarding the correspondence author including a clear address and email