Def Primal



Pes planus plantaris incident will increase plantar pressure because of body weight resistance during activities. Overuse activity is at risk of injury to the lower limb and will decrease curvature in the plantar arch. Basketball athletes with continuous weight-bearing exercise activity will affect the curvature of the plantar, causing the malformation of the foot arch to become flatter (flatfoot). This condition is reported to affect postural stability during the move. This is quantitative cross-sectional analytics study from basketball athletes involved 47 subjects. Subject's foot arch type determined with graph paper footprint. AMTI Accupower Force flatform posturography (force plate) determine athletes postural stability. Examination were performed in dynamic vertical jump (basketball primary moves) to determine the postural sway diameter of CoP. It revealed that 80,9% of subjects had flat plantar arch (pes planus plantaris). Basketball athletes have tendency having postural sway disturbance. The mean value of the postural sway diameter of CoP on subject with pes planus plantaris have significant correlation on the postural stability.Pes planus plantaris is affected by the length and the intensity of the exercise. This condition will significantly affect postural stability dynamic vertical motion (vertical jump).


Keywords: dynamic stability, footprint, postural stability



Insiden Pes planus plantaris akan meningkatkan tekanan plantar karena daya tahan tubuh saat beraktivitas. Aktivitas berlebihan adalah berisiko cedera pada ekstremitas bawah dan akan menurunkan kelengkungan di plantar. Atlet bola basket dengan aktivitas latihan menahan beban terus menerus akan mempengaruhi kelengkungan plantar, menyebabkan malformasi lengkungan kaki menjadi datar (kaki datar). Kondisi ini dilaporkan memengaruhi stabilitas postural selama bergerak. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif cross-sectional analytics dari atlet bola basket yang melibatkan 47 subjek. Tipe lengkung kaki subjek ditentukan dengan gambaran jejak kaki (plantar footprint) diatas kertas grafik. AMTI Accupower Force flatform posturography (pelat kekuatan/ gaya) menentukan stabilitas postural. Pemeriksaan dilakukan dalam lompatan vertikal dinamis (gerakan utama bola basket) untuk menentukan diameter ayunan postural CoP. Ini mengungkapkan bahwa 80,9% subyek memiliki lengkung plantar datar (pes planus plantaris). Atlet bola basket memiliki kecenderungan memiliki gangguan ayunan postural. Nilai rata-rata diameter ayunan postural CoP pada subjek dengan pes planus plantaris memiliki korelasi yang signifikan terhadap stabilitas postural. Pes planus plantaris dipengaruhi oleh lama dan intensitas latihan. Kondisi ini secara signifikan akan memengaruhi postural stability dynamic vertical motion (lompat vertikal).


Kata kunci: stabilitas dinamis, jejak plantar, stabilitas postural


Daftar Pustaka

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