Abdurrasyid Abdurrasyid



Physical activity is body movements that occur due to the work of skeletal muscles and produce energy expenditure. Elderly people with type 2 diabetes mellitus are encouraged to do physical activities according to their abilities. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the relationship of the level of physical activity to the quality of life of elderly type 2 diabetes mellitus. The level of activity was measured using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and quality of life measured using the World Health Organization Quality of Life BREFF (WHOQoL-BREFF). The study design was cross sectional and the number of samples was 333 elderly people in Kalideres District, West Jakarta. The ANOVA test results showed the level of physical activity related to the quality of life of elderly type 2 diabetes mellitus (p value <0.05). It was concluded that the elderly who were still able to carry out heavy physical activity had a higher level of quality of life. Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus need to get used to physical activity according to their abilities.


Keywords: Elderly, diabetes mellitus, physical activity



Aktivitas fisik adalah gerakan tubuh yang terjadi akibat adanya kerja otot rangka dan menghasilkan pengeluaran energi. Lansia dengan diabetes melitus tipe 2 dianjurkan untuk melakukan aktivitas fisik sesuai kemampuan yang dimiliki. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memberikan gambaran hubungan tingkat aktivitas fisik terhadap kualitas hidup lansia diabetes melitus tipe 2. Tingkat aktivitas diukur menggunakan International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) dan kualitas hidup diukur menggunakan World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQoL). Desain penelitian cross sectional dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 333 orang lansia di Kecamatan Kalideres Jakarta Barat. Hasil uji ANOVA didapatkan tingkat aktivitas fisik berhubungan dengan tingkat kualitas hidup lansia diabetes melitus tipe 2 (p value < 0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa lansia yang masih mampu melakukan aktivitas fisik berat memiliki tingkat kualitas hidup yang lebih tinggi. Penderita diabetes melitus tipe 2 perlu membiasakan diri untuk melakukan aktivitas fisik sesuai kemampuan.


Kata kunci : Lansia, diabetes melitus, aktivitas fisik


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.47007/ijnhs.v4i1.2883


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