Pemberian Psikoedukasi Keluarga dan Terapi Suportif Berbasis Kebutuhan Keluarga Skizofrenia

Riska Amalya Nasution


Hallucinations is one of the problems experienced by many clients with schizophrenia. Signs and symptoms experienced by hallucinations clients, one of which is wandering which is a worrying thing for the family. Families who treat clients with hallucinations feel a considerable burden in caring for clients. The source of the burden of other caregivers is unmet needs and difficulties in providing care to clients. The purpose of writing this scientific paper is to describe case management through the provision of family psychoeducation and supportive therapy based on carers need in caring for clients with hallucinations. The method used is case series. This case management was carried out in 7 families who received general nursing intervention, family psychoeducation, and supportive therapy. The initial assessment of the family used the Camberwell Assessment of Need Short Appraisal Schedule (CANSAS) instrument to assess carers need. The results of case analysis show changes in carers need which at the time before being given unfulfilled actions are fulfilled and there is also a change in the increase in family capacity in caring for clients with hallucinations. General nursing intervention are recommended performed by nurses in community and family psychoeducation and supportive therapy can be carried out by psychiatric nurses to help meet the needs of families caring for clients with hallucinations.



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