Efek Suction Endotracheal Terhadap Saturasi Oksigen Dengan dan Tanpa Pemberian Normal Saline Pada Pasien yang Dirawat Di Ruang Intensive Care Unit : Studi Literatur

Donny Mahendra


Background : Suction is a procedure performed in practice for patients in the intensive care unit. Suction with instillation of normal saline has been questioned in many studies. Aim : This literature review aims to determine the effect of endotracheal suction on oxygen saturation with and without instillation of normal saline. Method : This literature review used search strategy on two databases involved, EBSCOhost, and PubMed. The author used several filter is a research articles, articles with English language, and  published in 2000-2023. All articles were selected using Appraisal Tool of PRISMA and resulting 4 Articles. Result : The results of the authors’ study showed that that various negative effects or risks arising after the instillation of normal saline during the suction procedure were that there was a significant decrease in oxygen saturation levels. Conclusion : As long as there is insufficient evidence to use normal saline for endotracheal suction, this method is not recommended for use.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.47007/ijnhs.v8i2.7217


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