The Effect Of Promotif Playing Snakes And Ladder Method And Preventive Teeth Brushing On Elementary School Students' Knowledge

Arsad Ardianto Arsad, Reinaldi Reinaldi, Utari Zulkaidah


Background: According to the Ministry of Health, (2018) Only 2.8% of the Indonesian population has behaved properly brushing their teeth at least 2 times a day. The population in Indonesia experiences dental and oral problems of 57.6% (Yulistina et al., 2024) . Initial data obtained from each of the 10 students in grades IV and V who were examined, 16 students had debris and 5 students had calculus. So the researcher wanted to improve the level of dental and oral hygiene in students through counseling on brushing teeth using snakes and ladders media which was carried out by learning while playing so that the material was easy to understand and not easily bored. Research Method: The type of research used is quantitative with a one group pretest-posttest research design. The sampling technique is total sampling with a sample size of 43 students. Research Results: The results of the Wilcoxon difference test on the treatment before and after counseling with the snake and ladder game media, student knowledge with a p-value of 0.00 (p <0.05), student skills in prevention with a p-value of 0.00 (p <0.05) which indicates that the hypothesis in this study can be accepted . Conclusion: There is The effect of providing preventive counseling using the snakes and ladders playing method on knowledge and providing preventive counseling in tooth brushing skills for grade IV and V students of SDN 7 Baranti, Sidenreng Rappang Regency in 2024.


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