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Medical record was necessary for keeping and raising the quality of service at the hospital. The important things that must be considered by the energy of the recorder is the accuracy of medical in the provision of the diagnosis code. Number of Coders at RSUD Petala Bumi of workers is only one person who has a background as a Diploma III medical record, but in coding still not right. The purpose of research was to know accuracy code the act of on a document record medical use ICD- 9 CM before and after done training encoding. The kind of research uses the quantitative analytic with pre post test and control, and was conducted the intervention of each variable with conduct training encoding. Data analysis was done in univariat and bivariat by test marginal homogeneity. The results of the study there is an increase of the ability before with after the training with p value 0,034. There is a difference in the measurement result between variables code in accordance before with after training with p value 0.014 , and there is a difference in the measurement result between variables accurate , complete, consistent before with after training with p value 0,046. Conclusions this research is significant differences on increased capacity, code appropriate, accurate, complete, consistent, and accuracy officers before and after the training at RSUD Petala Bumi

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