Makna Logo, Aspek Kognitif dan Afeksi (Hubungan Antara Makna Logo, Aspek Kognitif dan Afeksi Karyawan Universitas Esa Unggul

Heriyanti Heriyanti


Logo is a symbol of corporate visual identity that can be used as a point for the public to remember or relate it to a specific company name. There are three categories of symbols that can be used by company logo in shaping the visual identity of the company. Shape of logo will be successful if the logo depicts the character of the company.While connected to the research problem, it can be concluded for cognitive effects, Esa Unggul University employees are understand about the changes the new logo is more full color. For Affective impact  how to the logo can be emotionally touching about mployees to change the old logo. The items in the questionnaire have been through with less cronbach alpha reliability test and test bivariate correlations between each indicator score with a total score validitys.This researchusing 90 sample. Sampling with simple random method (simple random sampling).The results using correlation test Person's Product Moment states showed a significant correlation (r = 0.403) and when divided into the meaning of the logo denotative and connotative turns the meaning of the logo denotative (r = 0.370) has a number of connections is higher than the meaning of the logo connotative (r = 0.303) when associated with cognitive aspects. Meaning of the logo associated with affective aspects showed a low number (r = 0.340), but it ties connotative meaning of the logo is higher than the denotative meaning of the logo and still higher compared with the general meaning of the logo. This means that the connotative meaning to take a stand. Thus, the authors concluded that there is a significant relationship between the meaning of the logo, the cognitive and affective Esa Unggul University employees.


Keywords: denotative, cognitive and affective , connotative 

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