Orientasi Teori Kehumasan dan Protokol
Tulisan ini coba melihat bagaimana orientasi teori kehumasana dan protokol yang dimulai dengan mengkaji latar belakang teori-teori kehumasan. Dilanjutkan dengan pertumbuhan awal teori dasar kehumasan dan perkembangannya. Kemudian dilihat juga bagaimana teori Humas Internal yang berorientasi organisasi dan pendekatannya selain juga mengupas teori kehumasan eksternal yang berorientasi publik.
Kata Kunci: Humas, Protokol, Internal & Eksternal Humas, Teori, Komunikasi
Teks Lengkap:
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Center Allen H. & Patrick Jackson, “Public Relations Practices: Managerial Case Studies & Problemsâ€, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1995.
Berney, Edward L, “Public Relationsâ€, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma, 1995.
De Fleur, Melvin L. & Sandra J. Ball-Rockeach, â€Theoris of Mass Communicationâ€, Longma: New York.
Dozier, David M., William P. Ehling, Larissa A. Grunig, Fred C. Repper & Jon White, “Excellence in Public Relations & Communication Managementâ€, LE Associates, Broadway, 1992.
Effendi, Onong U, “Human Relations & Public Relationsâ€, Mandamaju, Bandung, 1984.
Goldhaber, Gerald M, â€Organizational Communicationâ€, W.C. Brown Publishers, 1990.
Hatch, Mary Jo, “Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Post Modern Perspectivesâ€, Oxford University Pers, New York, 1997.
Hendricx, Jerry A, “Public Relations Casesâ€, Thomson Learning, Belmont, 2001.
Jones, Gareth R, “Organizational Theoryâ€, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001.
Macnamara, Jim R, “Public Relations Handbook, Promac Publication, Australia, 1992.
Pace, R. Wayne & Don F. Faules, “Organizational Communicationâ€, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1994.
Wilcox, Dennis L., Glent T. Cameron, Philip H. Ault & Warren K. Agee, “Public Relations: Strategis & Tacticsâ€, Pearson Education, Boston, 2003
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