Dyah Permata Budi Asri, Sri Pramudya Wardhani


Kasongan pottery handicrafts from Bantul, Yogyakarta has the potential to obtain legal protection as a Geographical Indication. This study analyzed the urgency of Kasongan Pottery Crafts to get legal protection as a Geographical Indication of Bantul. The approach using in this research is empirical juridical. Kasongan Village, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Province became the location of research in this study. Data collection methods are done through library research studies and field studies. The analysis method starts with data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Kasongan pottery craft needs legal protection as a Geographical Indication because economically, Kasongan pottery craft has great influence because most of the Kasongan Bantul people are supported by Kasongan pottery, and most of the Kasongan people are pottery craftsmen. Juridically, Kasongan pottery craft has different characteristics from earthenware products from other regions. It also has a good reputation, and its existence is still maintained to date. Therefore, it requires legal protection as a Geographical Indication and can be communally owned by the Kasongan Bantul community

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