Risk Factors of Carbohydrate Consumption among Adult Women In Indonesia

Firdaus Firdaus Daus, Rimbawan Rimbawan, Dodik Briawan


The aims of study were to analyze risk factors of carbohydrate consumption among adult women aged 19-49 years in Indonesia such as Body Mass Indexs (BMI), ages, education level, tipe of occupation, house hold income and urban-rural settlement. The study used data of the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2010 of the Health Reseach and Development Agency of the Ministry of Helath, which was designed as a cross sectional survey. Total sample woman age 19-49 years was 52044 were selected for analysis. A multiple logistic regression model was applied to analyze the risk factors. The prevalence of consumption carbohidrate below 60% of energy adequancy from carbohydrate among woman was 31,6%. The results showed that the significant risk factor of carbohydrate consumption among adult woman were education level (OR for low education= 0.830, CI: 0.776-0.887), household income (OR for low income= 0.905, CI: 0.870-0.942) and urban-rural settlement (OR for rural= 0.564, CI: 0.542-0.587). Normal BMI, high education level, woman with occupation, high household income and urban settlement are protective factors for carbohydrate consumption. 


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.47007/nut.v12i01.3121


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