Novera Herdiani, Endah Budi Permana Putri



Smoking becomes the main factor that caused cardiovascular in the world lead to the highest death. Cigarette smoke contains free radicals which are harmful to the body. Once there are too many free radicals exist in the body, the antioxidant could not neutralize it. Red dragon fruit is known as source of antioxidant. This study aimed to analyze the effect of red dragon fruit to the decrease MDA level in rat which has exposed by cigarette smoke. Total samples are 24 male rats and divided into four groups namely: negative control (KN), positive control (KP), treatment with red dragon fruit extract as much as 7.2 g/200 g BW (P1), and treatment with red dragon fruit extract as much as 10.8 g/200 BW (P2). Negative control group was treated with standard feed. Positive control group was treated with standard feed and exposed with 2 cigarette smoke per day. Treatment groups were treated with standard feed and red dragon fruit extract in the morning and after exposure 2 cigarette smoke. This study has observed for 21 days. In the end of the treatment, blood serum was used to analyze smoke the specify of MDA grade. The result of MDA level was analyzed with One Way ANOVA and followed by HSD test at level of 5%. The result showed that MDA level in positive group reveals differences with P1 group as 0.011 < 0.05. Furthermore, MDA level on positive control showed slightly difference with P2 group as 0.005 < 0.05. We concluded that red dragon fruit extract treatment at 7.2 g/200 g BW, and 10.8 g/200 BW significantly decreased MDA levels in rat which are exposed with cigarette smoke.


Keywords : red dragon fruit extract, cigarette smoke, MDA




Merokok merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab terjadinya penyakit kardiovaskuler yang merupakan penyebab kematian terbesar di dunia. Asap rokok mengandung radikal bebas yang membahayakan tubuh. Apabila radikal bebas terlalu banyak di dalam tubuh, maka antioksidan tidak mampu mengatasinya. Buah naga merah merupakan salah satu tanaman yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak pemberian ekstrak buah naga merah terhadap penurunan kadar MDA tikus yang dipapar asap rokok. Total sampel 24 tikus jantan dan dibagi menjadi empat kelompok yaitu: kontrol negatif (KN), kontrol positif (KP), perlakuan ekstrak buah naga merah 7.2 g/200 g BB (P1), dan ekstrak buah naga merah 10,8 g/200 g BB (P2). Kontrol negatif hanya diberi pakan standar. Kontrol positif diberi pakan standar dan dipapar 2 rokok per hari. Kelompok perlakuan diberi pakan standar dan ekstrak buah naga merah di pagi hari dan setelah itu dipapar 2 rokok. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 21 hari. Di akhir penelitian, serum darah dianalisis untuk menentukan nilai MDA. Hasil penelitian kadar MDA dianalisis dengan One Way ANOVA dan diikuti oleh uji HSD pada level 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar MDA pada kelompok positif dengan kelompok P1 terdapat perbedaan nyata 0,011 < 0,05. Selanjutnya, kadar MDA pada kelompok kontrol positif dengan kelompok P2 ada perbedaan nyata 0,005 <0,05. Kesimpulan pemberian ekstrak buah naga merah 7,2 g/200 g BB, dan ekstrak buah naga merah 10,8 g/200 g BB dapat mencegah peningkatan kadar MDA secara signifikan pada tikus yang diberi paparan asap rokok.


Kata kunci : ekstrak buah naga merah, asap rokok, MDA

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