Horas Mauliate Andrey Gromiko


The Petamburan tercatat sub-district has become one of the urban villages in DKI Jakarta that has always been a multi-yearly impact, judging by the population density and contours it has. The Sub-District of Tamburan has a fairly large number of disasters. The objectives of this research are: (1) Identifying the conditions of flood disasters in Petamburan Village. (2) Knowing how far the existing facilities and infrastructures are in KelurahanPetamburan in meeting the needs of flood disaster resilience (3) Summing up the level of resilience of Petamburan Village to flood disaster to compile a recommendation for flood evacuation planning The research method used is quantitative qualitative using analysis of flood reconstruction, suitability evacuation land and resilience level analysis. The results of the study indicate that the KelurahanPetamburan has resilience at the middle or middle level, this is because the facilities that are not able to accommodate the needs of the community are affected by floods throughout. From the results of the flood simulation, it is estimated spatially that the level of resistance of the Kelurahan Pambamband in facing up to a flood is at an altitude of 140 cm from the ground.


Keywords: flood, resilience, evacuation

Teks Lengkap:



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