In July 2019, the value of electronic money transactions exceeded the transaction value in 2018, which was 69 trillion rupiah. However, Indonesia as the most populous country ranked four in the world has not been able to show the ability to achieve by at least the top five world rank in term of the electronic money sector. This study aims to analyze the effect of trust, perceived usefulness and perceived risk on the decision to use. The study used quantitative methods. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling toward 210 respondents who have used server-based electronic money in DKI Jakarta. The object of this research are big four server-based electronic money providers. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression test. The result of the study show that trust affects the decision to use, the perception of ease affects the decision to use and the perception of risk affects the decision to use. This shows that in general, people in DKI Jakarta have trusted and felt the ease of using server-based electronic money.
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