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Author Guidelines
Papers submitted for publication must conform to the following guidelines:
- Papers submitted to Eduscience : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan should be based on researches containing with the elements of education interaction.
- Papers submitted conform to the format of the journal, written either in Indonesian or English and typed with correct grammatical.
- Bibliographical reference must be noted and bibliography according to Eduscience : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan style.
- The author willing to his or her articles edited, without altering or changing the substance / content of the text.
- The author should includes a brief biography containing:
- All articles should be sent to
- Taking into account the results of the peer reviewing process. the article received by the editor and will be reviewed with the following results of the assessment:
- When the manuscript is returned to the author for revision, the result of the revised manuscript should be sent to the editor in the form of softcopy within five working days after the revised notice letter is received.
- Personal identities
- Scientific research or works
- Scientific work
- Scientific meeting that have been attended
- Accepted without revisions, or
- Accepted with minor revisions, or
- Accepted with major revision, or
- Rejected.
Anything pertaining to citation agreements, use of computer software, originality of articles or other matters related to intellectual property, conducted by the authors of the articles and the legal consequences which may a rise, should be respo the responsibility of the author.
Forms, Systematics, Tables, And Images
- Script writing generally follows the rules set forth in the 5th ed. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). (2001).
- Articles are written on A4 paper, Times New Roman letter size 11, single space, justify aligned
- Articles range from 5-10 pages.
- Heading without numbering with a maximum of two sub heading ranks.
In Heading
This is Sub-Heading Rank 1 ( Flush Left, Capitalize Key Words)
The text in this paragraph is given first line indent with double spaces. When the sub-heading rank 1 is the " Data Collection and Analysis Procedure", then the text in this paragraph explains it.
This is Sub-Heading Rank 2. (indented, capitalizefirst wordonly, and include period, and begin text immediately after heading on the same line).
The main body of the research article contains:
- Introduction
Contains background and problem statement, literature review, thinking framework, and hypotheses should be tested.
- Research Methods
Contains research designs, participant descriptions, data collection, and methods of data analysis.
- Research Results
The results of hypothesis that are including tables, graphs, and so on.
- Discussion
Contains the interpretation and evaluation of the research results, as well as reviews of related problems that are deemed to influence the research results.
- Conclusions and Suggestions
The main body of the results of thought contains :
- Introduction. Contain background of problem.
- Content. Contain the various dimension of discussion with the main focus of the chosen topic.
- Conclusion. Contains brief conclusions and or suggestions for implementation.
Tables and Figures
Tables and figures should be presented as follows:
- The name of tables and figures should provide a caption (a title or explanation) use an uppercase letters at the beginning of words, and sequential numbering. Caption tables placed at the top and caption figures placed at the bottom.
- Tables and figures are always symmetrical at the center to the page, and made with an appropriate size (not too small and too big).
- Use of two-color figures (black and white), and erase the outline of the figure.
- The Figures should be included soft copy in JPEG format. The source of figure should be mentioned or placed at the bottom of figures if it does not belong to the work itself. proof of ownership of the figure must be included if it is owned by another person.
- The results of statistical processing as the following example: F(2, 116) = 2,80, p < 0,05 for ANOVA; or t(60) = 1,99, p < 0,05 for uji-t; x2 (4, N = 90) = 10,51, p < 0,05 for kai kuadrat.
Guideline for Writing Reference.
- Guideline must strictly follow the APA (American Psychological Association) style (2001). Suc as; McCullough (2011) reminds that forgiveness goes through. Purwanto (2008) argues that anger. A number of authors (Nashori, 2010; Mujib, 2009; Mubarok, 2010) make conclusions about ...
- Bibliography, should be limited to the source referenced, arranged in alphabetical order. Prioritizing the latest library (published last ten years), and originating from primary sources (research reports, articles in scientific journals / magazines). The writing bibliography as follows:
Articles in journals, magazines, newspapers, seminar papers, or article collection books:
Tanumidjojo,Y., Basoeki,S.L., Yudiarso,A. (2004). Stres dan Perilaku Koping Pada Remaja Penyandang Diabetes Mellitus Tipe I. Anima, Indonesian Psychological Journal.19 (4), 399-406.
Taylor, C., & Clara, S. (2005, 15 April). A New Brain for Intel. Time Magazine, 9-10.
Subagyo, P. (2008, 28 Juni). Kesalehan Lingual. Kompas, hlm. 5.
Dissertation, Postgraduate Thesis, Undergraduate Thesis, and Research Report:
Johnson, E. (2005). The Role of Social Support and Gender orientation in adolescent female development. Disertasi, tidak diterbitkan, , Denver, CO,University of Denver.
Books, translation books
Borysenko, J., Borysenko, M. (2002). The Power of the Mind to Heal. (A. R. Edi & S. M. Sutjipto, Penerj.). Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
Internet Sources
Miller, M. B. (2001, 20 April). Resources for psychology majors. Psychology Online, 4 Article 012b. Diunduh pada 5 Mei 2009, dari
Peer to Peer Counseling Group. (tanpa tanggal). Teaching Listening Skills to Large Groups. Diunduh pada 23 April 2009, dari